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Together towards a sustainable future!

Together we can make a difference and support the development of a Circular Economy for a sustainable future! 


Through Education, Engagement and collaboration, we will create behavioural changes and help businesses, community and local governments: 

- Demystify Sustainability

- Rethink, reduce, re-use, and recycle waste

- be a catalyst for sustainable development and circular economy.


Because “Today is the opportunity to build the tomorrow that we want”; we will support you throughout every stage of your sustainability journey.

Waste is a design flaw and a valuable resource..

Our Services
Whether you are a local business; local Government organization; a member of our community .. you can be part of the transition!

Our Services

Engagement and Education

Because raising awareness is the best lever for impactful social, cultural and environmental changes, we have designed and we deliver a suite of interactive workshops about waste, sustainability, plastics, Circular Economy and more...

Waste reduction & divertion

Waste creates greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming and climate change. So, any organization considering a more sustainable development will have to rethink,  reduce and divert waste from landfill. KITO Sustainability has the specialist skillset and network to help you do that...

Sustainability & Circular Economy 

The future is sustainable and circular! 

We provide support with development and implementation of sustainability strategies and initiatives; project and business development of Circular business models, application of the 17 UN SDG to your organization...

It starts

with you!


Awareness and Engagement are the best levers for change.


Come and join one of our interactive workshops to create a community that feels empowered to drive for changes. 


Let's talk about waste, plastics, sustainability, Circular Economy and more..

waste is a design flaw.jpg
Maryline Cassou Photo Profile.JPG
​Inspired change leader with a vision driven by passion; powered by expertise.

​​Change Leader and consultant in sustainable development, Circular Economy, specialist in plastics recycling, manufacturing and waste management. Connecting the dots and innovating to RETHINK, reduce, re-use, recycle and re-design waste and plastics, and transition towards a more Circular Economy. Engaging and educating our community; KITO will demonstrate the economic benefits, positive environmental and social impact of a circular economy here in WA.

Together we can design and create the future we want!

We, at KITO Sustainability, welcome the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with other social ventures, community groups, businesses, manufacturers, waste facilities, start-ups, not-for-profits, and any other good humans who want to change the way we manage our consumption & waste, design products and run our businesses to support a sustainable and circular future!

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