Passion and Expertise to create a sustainable and circular future with you!

“Today is the opportunity to build the tomorrow that we want”.
We want to build a strong and connected community of people and organizations engaged to drive the transition to sustainable development.
We want everyone to understand they have a key role to play in this transition, feel empowered to take action and collaborate with others on their sustainability journey.
- Create behavioural changes and help our community and businesses to RE-THINK, REDUCE, RE-USE, AND RECYCLE waste.
- Demonstrate the economic benefits as well as the positive environmental and social impact of a Circular Economy here in WA.
- connect the dots to innovate, develop and implement sustainability strategies and initiatives.
Collaboration is key principle to sustainable development and circular Economy. When working with people who have different perspectives or areas of expertise, we can create something greater than ourselves as individuals. Collaboration will change the world and we will be a catalyst to it!
Having a joy not just for the work itself but also the people around us, so that everyone can be bold, innovative, creative and a change maker. The future is bright and sustainable! We strive to be always the most positive person in the room! And we wont give up.. not when our planet and sustainability is at stake.
We aim to learn EVERYDAY. No one has all the answers. Humility, continuous learning and knowledge sharing are some of our bedrock values. It’s ok to make mistakes, as long as, we learn from them. We are always on the lookout for breakthroughs, and ways to do things better, faster, cheaper and safer for our planet and people.
Creating a great customer experience begins with staying true to the words we speak and the bonds we make. We treat our clients as our friends, with respect. We don’t say anything we wouldn’t say to our friends and family
Entrepreneurs love to talk about how great their company cultures are, but the best sustainable businesses don’t push sustainability culture and visions -- they build communities with missions and empower them to act! we share our vision, our passion and our skills and you make it work!
It started in 2018 when I read a news article about the expected consequences of China’s ban on importation of waste from the rest of the world.. It sparked my curiosity and I wondered “what happens to the content of my bins once the truck picks it up from my driveway?” I called my local Regional Resources Recovery Center and booked myself on a community tour of the facilities.
That day chanced my life!
I realized just then that we have a serious waste management crisis and most of us don’t know about it or don’t understand its magnitude and its economic, environmental and social impact. If I wasn’t aware of all this, surely I wasn’t the only one.. !!!
This was the first drop that created a great ripple ..
I co-founded Precious Plastic Perth, a community engagement and education project. But creating behavioral changes can take several years, and Western Australia urgently needed to increase and improve its plastic recycling capability.
Within the next year the ripple grew bigger and in 2019 I co-founded KITO Plastics Pty Ltd, an innovative Start-up project for industrial scale plastic recycling. This project contributed to some collaboration and to progress the discussion in the plastic recycling industry in WA..
These projects evolved over a few years of personal and professional growth and huge learnings in sustainable development, climate change and circular economy. Highlighting that we have a crisis in our management sector, but also in our resource sector. We are outsourcing manufacturing overseas and consuming more and more.. The current system is not working.
More now than ever, we need to transition to a Circular Economy model where we will:
Design waste out
Keep product and material in use longer
Regenerate natural systems.
This is when the ripple grew wider again… the scope of the projects and our mission evolved.. It was no longer just about plastic waste.. it’s about creating behavioural changes to support sustainable development and a transition to a Circular Economy.
In 2022, Precious Plastic Perth and KITO Plastics became KITO Sustainability, a consultancy organization to support you on your sustainability journey.
Please get in touch if you want to learn more about our services...

Change Leader and consultant in sustainable development, Circular Economy, specialist in plastic waste management, recycling and manufacturing. Connecting the dots and innovating to RETHINK, reduce, re-use, recycle and re-design waste and plastics, and transition towards a more Circular Economy.
"A true global citizen, I have worked and travelled the world for 20 years before founding KITO (Keep IT Onshore) in Australia.
I am passionate about Sustainable Development, waste management and Circular Economy (particularly demystifying sustainability through a better awareness of the 17 UN Sustainable development Goals and the principles of Circular Economy); and want to use my knowledge and experience in plastic recycling and manufacturing, innovative solutions, commercialization, business development and project management to positively change how people and companies manage waste and plastic.
Guided by personal belief and inspired by the quote “waste is a design flaw,” I am putting everything I know into innovating and collaborating in this space with KITO.
I graduated in 2000 with a Master of International Trade and Marketing in France. Over the last 20 years I worked (mainly in the Oil and gas industry) and lived in France, Ireland, The Netherlands and Russia, before landing in Australia. It is here that I met my partner, had a beautiful daughter and built my home (literally!).
My passion for the principles of circular economy stem from my belief that it is integral to reducing our global waste problem. As a society, we manufacture billions of objects that are used for a matter of minutes and are then with us for centuries. I believe we must challenge behaviours but also rethink how we attribute value as a society.
There is no time to waste!"