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Upcoming Events
- Tue, 26 JulySuccessWhat is Circular Economy? Could a transition to Circular Economy tackle the Climate Change? Where do we start and how can I be a part of it? Join us as we discuss the "What, Why and How" of Circular Economy. Bookings required. Link below.
- Sat, 23 JulySuccessMicroplastics have made their way into all the products we consume, but also the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breath. Join us as we have a closer look at it.. let's look at Plastics through a "microscopic" lenses to understand its impact. Bookings required. Link below.
- Thu, 21 JulyPerthThe Western Australian Social Enterprise Council (WASEC) is delighted to host Perth’s SEWF Activation Event on 21st July 2022 at Spacecubed. KITO Sustainability has been invited to join the conversation about Social Enterprise's Mission.. At what costs?! Booking link below.
- Wed, 20 JulyWinthropWhat is Circular Ecoomy? Could a transition to Circular Economy tackle the Climate Change? Where do we start and how can I be a part of it? Join us as we discuss the "What, Why and How" of Circular Economy. Bookings required. Link below.
- Sat, 16 JulySuccessGet involved with Plastic Free July by attending our workshop series! In this workshop, we'll discuss how plastic was initially invented for GOOD social and environmental reasons, the BAD and UGLY consequences of our excessive plastic production and consumption, its recycling challenge and more..
- Wed, 13 JulyWinthropGet involved with Plastic Free July by attending our workshop series! In this workshop, we'll discuss how plastic was initially invented for GOOD social and environmental reasons, the BAD and UGLY consequences of our excessive plastic production and consumption, its recycling challenge and more..
- Wed, 06 JulyWinthropJoin the global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution as part of Plastic Free July. This Plastic Free July workshop series, will help you see waste through a different lense and start your journey to waste reduction and avoidance! BOOKINGS link below
- Tue, 05 JulySuccessJoin the global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution as part of Plastic Free July. This Plastic Free July workshop series, will help you see waste through a different lense and start your journey to waste reduction and avoidance! BOOKINGS link below
- Sun, 03 JulySuccessCity of Cockburn is organizing a PLASTIC FREE JULY Long Table morning tea to demonstrate that delicious treats can be made without all the nasty plastics. KITO Sustainability has been invited to join as a special guest to discuss plastics waste and transition to circular economy.. BOOKINGS REQUIRED
- Tue, 28 JuneBooragoonWhat is Circular Ecoomy? Could a transition to Circular Economy tackle the Climate Change? Where do we start and how can I be a part of it? Join us as we discuss the "What, Why and How" of Circular Economy. Workshop is free but bookings are essentials:

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